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Sam Wagner's art explores themes of order, abstraction, unease, and impurity using geometric shapes to create works that help him process the rapidly evolving world. With ever-changing rules, procedures, and social norms, the artwork seen in this exhibition evolved as the circumstances of this world continue to shift. All the works shown in this exhibition were made during his two month residency in London. Work that has not already been purchased from this show can be purchased at the link below.

A golden Gemetric abstract work with cubes popping out showcased during Sam Wagner's Solo show in London
Gold line streaks vertically down a canvas smooth and flat left justified surrounded  by uneven surface
title of artwork - Surface Needs Polish a almost unfinished yet surprisungly balanced work using gold leaf and plaster
a small white and gold canvas with dollops of paint spread randomly  3/4s covered in gold leaf
painting made from small rocks collected on the river thames just a minute walk away from the gallery. painted white and gold
a lot going on on this canvas streaks of gold leaf across a uneven and jagged surface
New Norms
SWD Logo  a stellated polyhedron or a star-like shape
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